Lewis, J. Patrick. Please Bury Me In The Library. Ill. by Kyle M. Stone. Harcourt Children's Books, 2005. ISBN 0152163875
Please Bury Me in the Library is a playful take on the literary joys found amongst the many types of reading found in the library. Bright, whimsical paintings and the occasional black and white sketch illustrate the book’s 17 poems. Lewis shows diversity in his collection, adding haiku and acrostic poems to his typical poetry filled with rhymes, plays on words, and surprise endings. This collection will be enjoyed by many as adults chuckle while reading about “long-stemmed proses” and children burst into fits of giggles when hearing about being buried with “bookworms in my coffin.”
Eating Alphabet Soup
My advice to the Tablespoon Slurper:
Beware what you do with that scoop!
The Capitals, sir,
Can cause quite a stir
In a bowlful of Alphabet Soup.
While K, Z, and B do the backstroke
Across this hot, steamy lagoon,
The fun-loving Vowels
May want tiny towels
To dry themselves off on the spoon.
But when Letters go swimming together
In sentences, nothing can beat
The pleasure of reading
The food that you’re eating!
So dive in and - bon appétit!
Presentation of Poem: Have this poem displayed next to an empty bowl, spoon, and can of alphabet soup. Be sure to read the poem slowly in order to allow younger students to visualize phrases like the “hot, steamy lagoon” and “tiny towels to dry themselves off”.
Lesson: After reading the poem and allowing students to share their thoughts, bring out a large bowl full of plastic magnetic letters. Allow students to come forward with spoons and take a scoop or two. Using cookie sheets or another metal surface, have a contest to see who can make the longest word or most words with their scooped letters! Young students may even enjoy writing the words they have made inside a picture of a soup bowl.
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